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Here we guide you to steps on how to date your dream girl. And you can also share your present situation with us. For more knowledge.
How to Make Women Laugh | 8:22 AM |
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However, the misconception lies in understanding attractive humor. Most guys mistake humor for comedy, believing that if you can't tell jokes or perform a standup routine that you're doomed to forever be unfunny around women.
This couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, "comedy" is almost something entirely different from cultivating the ability to "make women laugh." You're probably wondering: How so? In an attempt to keep things simple, let's hit the bullet points.
Further Defined
Hopefully you understand the stark difference between comedy and getting women to laugh, and so you're getting over your doubts and insecurities about "not being funny enough." In case you're still having trouble grasping this, let me just say it again: getting women to laugh is NOT about jokes!
In fact, if you try to use traditional jokes or monologue comedy routines to get women laughing, you're probably not only going to fail at getting her laughing, you're also going to come across as supplicating and try-hard. Even guys who can tell funny jokes often don't come across as attractive (probably you know a guy who's "hilarious" yet women just don't seem to like.)
Conversely, you've probably seen a guy who can get away with saying absolute to stupidity to women, and yet women seem to soak up every word he says. They're erupting into laughing fits before he even finishes his sentences. Why do women fall for guys like this? These sorts of guys understand how to use tension, understand women's emotional triggers, and add a dash of unpredictability to whatever they say.
The Application
It's all well and good to expound upon the theory of laughter, yet theory never made anyone laugh--and especially not a woman! Thus, let's look at some ways to translate theory into practice.
First off, to create tension first requires that you're comfortable with that tension. For example, would you be comfortable walking up to a girl you don't know and saying, "I hate you"? If the idea makes you uncomfortable, then you probably need to work on your "social tension muscle" a bit more.
However, if you feel pretty confident that you can strut over to an attractive girl you've never met and tell her that you hate her, you're off to a good start. Naturally, the girl will probably react in a surprised and/or negative way. That's what you want. Keep in mind: getting women to laugh require a degree of unpredictability.
Therefore, once you tell her that you hate her, you immediately want to say something unexpected. You might say, "Because you wore that black dress you know I love" or "Because when you get all dolled up like this, I have no choice but to hit on you shamelessly." Basically, you want to say something she's not expecting, and reverses the emotion she felt when you told her you hated her.
Keep in mind, this just an example, and not even a particularly funny one. Yet, I chose it because I hope you see how "unfunny" getting women laughing can be. You don't need to be a Chris Rock to get her giggling. Simply understand the "theory" behind getting women giggling and don't be afraid to get your hands a little dirty.
In other words, leave yourself plenty of room to fail. Don't think you're going to get this the first time you attempt it. Simply begin getting yourself comfortable during moments of tension. From there, you'll begin to develop a "feel" for how to get women laughing.
Keep it real
"Use It or Lose It" | 7:47 AM |
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The Familiar Dilemma
I had a girlfriend. But I was in Vegas, without her. Beautiful girls swooped by me--to my left, to my right. The beat of dance music was like a knock at a door that I didn't want to answer. I'd been 5 months out of the game, happy in a relationship--yet being here, in this City of Sin, I wanted to approach women.
Restraining myself, I tried to put it in perspective. "What do I hope to get out of approaching?" I asked myself. I knew I couldn't have sex with any of these women, as I was sharing a room with Zack. I knew taking a girl's phone number would be completely useless, since we were leaving early the next morning.
So, why then was I feeling this immense need to approach women?
When I realized the answer, I felt disgusted with myself. My only reason for wanting to approching women was so I could make sure I still "had it." In other words, I wanted to prove to myself that I could still pickup girls. I craved the reassurance that my approach anxiety hadn't come back, that I hadn't lost my cultivated charisma, that I could still think on my feet.
I was under the belief that meeting women is a "skill set"--a practiced set of behaviors that might atrophy if I didn't "work" them.
Non-Approach Anxiety
That "predicament" isn't unique to me. Almost every guy who studies
dating advice has a similar thought at some point in their "dating
career." Most of us fear that our ability to attract women is akin to a
building muscle--by not using it we could lose all the positive "gains"
we slaved for during those countless nights out.
Well, let me assuage your non-approach anxiety--it doesn't work like that.
One of the great misconceptions of the dating advice industry is its stance of what it teaches. Learning to become better with women isn't a "skill," it's an understanding. It's an understanding of social interactions, an understanding of women, and--most importantly--it's an understanding of yourself. You can't "lose" an understanding--once you have it, you have it.
I often compare the journey to becoming better with women to learning how to ride a bike. We often begin with training wheels because we're afraid of the "pain" that comes with falling. Later, when we take those training wheels off, we get our ass handed to us a few times (though, we realize it's never THAT painful). Each time we're brave enough to get back on the bike, we inch our way a little closer to riding on our own.
Then, one day, everything clicks and we ride off into the sunset.
And once we have that epic ride--the one where everything clicks--we can't "unlearn" it. We can't suddenly forget what it feels like to balance ourselves, to pump the pedals, to ride the fucking bike. Likewise, once you learn the proper "balance" when interacting with women, you can't forget it. It's not a "skill."
Appreciate the One You're With
You may be wondering, "Why even write this article? What mind-blowing revelation is there in explaining that picking up women is an understanding, and not a skill?" On the surface, it may seem frivolous; yet I believe this might be the most important article that some devotees of the dating advice industry will EVER read.
That's because this is an article designed to get you to appreciate the moment. Appreciate the time you spend with the woman you want--and don't get hung up on worrying about losing your "pickup skills." Worrying about that is like all those people who worried about the Rapture that never came.
Anxiety blocks you from appreciating what's right in front of your face. Approach anxiety keeps you from enjoying the girls you don't know, and non-approach anxiety keeps you from enjoying the girls you do know. Don't be like I was in Vegas, feeling an unnecessary urge to prove to myself that I still I "had it."
Of course I still "have it." I always will, and so will you. Becoming better with women is simply an understanding--you may have slaved and practiced to arrive at that understanding, but once you're there, feel confident that you can "ride into the sunset" anytime you want.
Feel that confidence, and just enjoy the moment. Enjoy the one you're with, with the cool understanding that if it doesn't work out, you'll be just fine.
To your hot lady success,
I had a girlfriend. But I was in Vegas, without her. Beautiful girls swooped by me--to my left, to my right. The beat of dance music was like a knock at a door that I didn't want to answer. I'd been 5 months out of the game, happy in a relationship--yet being here, in this City of Sin, I wanted to approach women.
Restraining myself, I tried to put it in perspective. "What do I hope to get out of approaching?" I asked myself. I knew I couldn't have sex with any of these women, as I was sharing a room with Zack. I knew taking a girl's phone number would be completely useless, since we were leaving early the next morning.
So, why then was I feeling this immense need to approach women?
When I realized the answer, I felt disgusted with myself. My only reason for wanting to approching women was so I could make sure I still "had it." In other words, I wanted to prove to myself that I could still pickup girls. I craved the reassurance that my approach anxiety hadn't come back, that I hadn't lost my cultivated charisma, that I could still think on my feet.
I was under the belief that meeting women is a "skill set"--a practiced set of behaviors that might atrophy if I didn't "work" them.
Non-Approach Anxiety
Well, let me assuage your non-approach anxiety--it doesn't work like that.
One of the great misconceptions of the dating advice industry is its stance of what it teaches. Learning to become better with women isn't a "skill," it's an understanding. It's an understanding of social interactions, an understanding of women, and--most importantly--it's an understanding of yourself. You can't "lose" an understanding--once you have it, you have it.
I often compare the journey to becoming better with women to learning how to ride a bike. We often begin with training wheels because we're afraid of the "pain" that comes with falling. Later, when we take those training wheels off, we get our ass handed to us a few times (though, we realize it's never THAT painful). Each time we're brave enough to get back on the bike, we inch our way a little closer to riding on our own.
Then, one day, everything clicks and we ride off into the sunset.
And once we have that epic ride--the one where everything clicks--we can't "unlearn" it. We can't suddenly forget what it feels like to balance ourselves, to pump the pedals, to ride the fucking bike. Likewise, once you learn the proper "balance" when interacting with women, you can't forget it. It's not a "skill."
Appreciate the One You're With
You may be wondering, "Why even write this article? What mind-blowing revelation is there in explaining that picking up women is an understanding, and not a skill?" On the surface, it may seem frivolous; yet I believe this might be the most important article that some devotees of the dating advice industry will EVER read.
That's because this is an article designed to get you to appreciate the moment. Appreciate the time you spend with the woman you want--and don't get hung up on worrying about losing your "pickup skills." Worrying about that is like all those people who worried about the Rapture that never came.
Anxiety blocks you from appreciating what's right in front of your face. Approach anxiety keeps you from enjoying the girls you don't know, and non-approach anxiety keeps you from enjoying the girls you do know. Don't be like I was in Vegas, feeling an unnecessary urge to prove to myself that I still I "had it."
Of course I still "have it." I always will, and so will you. Becoming better with women is simply an understanding--you may have slaved and practiced to arrive at that understanding, but once you're there, feel confident that you can "ride into the sunset" anytime you want.
Feel that confidence, and just enjoy the moment. Enjoy the one you're with, with the cool understanding that if it doesn't work out, you'll be just fine.
To your hot lady success,
The Top 4 Ways to Maximize Your Assets | 2:29 AM |
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They say pimpin' ain't easy...well it ain't cheap either. If you want to spread your love all over town, get ready to spread your wallet all over town, too.
As you bounce around your city's nightlife, set up dates, and woo some awesome ladies, you're going to learn that the best things experiences in life are not free. Forget keeping up with the Joneses--worry about keeping up with Cupid.
But fear not nascent ladies' man, I feel your fiscal pain. My hard-earned dollars once flew out of my hands too as I learned to navigate the turbulent terrain of modern dating. After one too many mornings of
waking up next to beautiful a woman ... and a bouquet of crumpled ATM receipts ... I discovered a few secrets to minimize cost while maximizing gains. Here's a top 4 list that would please both Don Juan and Gordon Gekko...
Number 4: Learn to Cook Just 3 Dishes
The secret skill to an amazing cheap date is three simple words: learn to cook. The lost art of cooking is such a simple and effective way to hook-up with babes, I included a recipe in "The 4 Elements of Game."
Most guys shy away from cook because they're intimidated by being awesome; although, nothing is easier than learning 3 simple dishes to cook for a nice candlelit dinner. My 3 go-to meals are:
1. Lemon braised chicken cooked in white wine
2. Pan seared mustard-crusted salmon
3. Mussels served in creamy white broth
Home-cooked dinner dates cost no more than 10-15 bucks and are the most effective way to wow a woman.
Number 3: Your Place = Hottest Club in Town
If your apartment isn't a cooler place to hang out than any bar or nightclub in town, you're not harnessing your most obvious asset. Chances are, you'll seduce very few women while out on the town; yet, so few guys think to make "the club" their house or apartment.
If you stock your place with cool games, activities, drinks, vices, and toys, there will be no reason to stay in some over-crowded nightclub when you and your girl could you "poppin' bottles" at your Members-only Club. Some awesome things you'll find at "Club Rob" are:
1. A French wine "collection" (actually a bunch of 4 dollars bottles of wine in a Target wine rack
2. A hookah pipe
3. Blender and margarita ingredients
4. World-class DJ (my iTunes mix)
Number 2: Find Offbeat Activities and Make them Awesome
Guys who spend too much money on dates can chalk up their wastrel ways to paying an "uncreative tax." If you apply a little creativity to the stuff to do in your neighborhood, you can find awesome activities for you and a new lady friend.
Case-in-point, near me there's a tram that transports commuters to a small island across the river. Most people would just regard this as "mass transit," but I claim it's a "sightseeing tour to an exotic land."
If you can make something mundane sound totally awesome and fun, you create memorable activities out of very ordinary (and cheap!) activities. So keep your eyes peeled and your creativity inspired.
Number 1: Barter with Other Guys
Most guys whine over the costs of transportation to a nightclubs or how they hate paying cover admission to a hot venue. These whiners don't realize that they can barter with other guys to offset these costs.
In every city, there are guys who want to improve their success with women, but want a mentor. Even if you're not an expert yet, you can still offer these guys motivation or incentive to go out and approach women.
Keep it real
The Question that Gets You Rejected Every Time | 9:22 AM |
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Hey, what's up?
Naturally, this acquainted me with the cold, harsh world of rejection before I'd stopped believing in the Tooth Fairy. I may have loved women my entire life, but the feeling certainly wasn't always mutual. It wasn't until I realized that girls rejecting me had nothing to do with the girls themselves, but instead everything to do with how I thought about the girls.
It all boiled down to a single question. A toxic, 6-word question that often appeared in my mind--either consciously or unconsciously--acted like a malignant tumor to whatever attraction a girl might have felt for me.
Once I identified the question, and decided to never again ask it, I delivered myself from that cold, harsh world of rejection. And I promise you, most of your rejections also stem from this one voodoo-spell of a question. But before we talk about that, be my Jiminy Cricket for a moment and sit on my shoulder as I kick some game to one of the hottest girls I'd ever seen...
So the year is 2007 and I'm peacocked out, locked in, and disqualifying an absolutely stunning blonde at a swanky hotel bar in New York City. The pickup is unfolding like a field report inspired by Homer--this girl is Helen of Troy hot and her interest in me is epic. Everything was going so well--and so quickly--that I hardly had a chance to take note...
...one moment I was asking for her opinion on something, the next her hand was pressed passionately against my chest, her finger aimlessly twirling a strand of her perfect blonde hair, as she asked for my name, asked if I had a girlfriend, asked all the questions that have no significance other than to signify attraction...
I continued to run game proper on her, until she looked at me with a smile, reached into her purse to get her wallet, and said, "Let me buy you a drink, what do you want?"
Now, you're on my shoulder. You hear her ask this. You're my Jiminy Cricket, my conscience. How would you advise me to proceed? (Keep in mind, my mouth is parched and there's nothing in the world I'd love more than a cold Blue Moon draft with an orange garnish.) Do I take the drink, or do I refuse? The question sounds asinine and the answer seems obvious, but what would you advise me to do?
Oh, and if you haven't realized, this has nothing to do with the actual drink, yet everything to do with what the drink implies.
So what's your advice, Jiminy? Because I'll tell you what actually happened, what I did back in 2007. I refused. Sheepishly, I glanced toward the floor, smiled an embarrassed smile, and mumbled, "No, that's okay."
"But I want to buy you a drink," she insisted. "What do you want?"
For a moment I reconsidered. There was nothing in the world I would've loved more at that moment than a cold Blue Moon draft with an orange garnish to accompany this Homeric pickup moment, yet I backed away from her. I threw my hands up in protest. And I said, "No, really. The drinks are expensive here. You don't have to do that."
Minutes later, her white-hot attraction had cooled to an icy, "I'm gonna get back to my friends...nice meeting you though!" And I watched yet another hot girl walk out of my life--a trend I'd known as long as I'd believed in the Tooth Fairy. Learning "game" may have prolonged the cold, harsh world of rejection--but it didn't deliver me from it.
That's because it doesn't matter how much game you have, or how good you look, or how much money's in your bank account, or even how much of a celebrity you are...if 6 little words creep into your head followed by a question mark, it's over. It's like detonating a dirty bomb during a pickup--there will be no survivors.
If you haven't guessed, that little lethal question is, "Why do I deserve this girl?" Until a few years ago, I couldn't help but ask myself that question. It crept into my mind, regardless of the caliber of game I was kicking. Though, it never presented itself outright. Instead the question seeped into my mind insidiously, and then manifested itself during an offbeat moment, such as when a beautiful girl would offer to buy me a drink.
Maybe you can relate. Perhaps you also know that during that split second, when her offer hangs in the air, if you ask yourself, "Why do I deserve this girl?" you're essentially shooting yourself in the dick. What you probably don't know, however, is there's a simple cure. By just identifying the question, you can stop yourself from asking it. (Aren't you glad you read this article?!) That's because you'll find an answer before the girl's ever in front of you.
The answer isn't because you have great game, or a fresh new haircut, or even a shiny red Corvette; the answer is because you know the life experience and good emotions you have to offer someone. You know what you've been through, what you've seen, and what you know. And if that doesn't answer why you deserve this girl, then you shouldn't be looking to piece together your game--you should be piecing together your life.
Once you have it pieced together, then loving hot girls will only result in them loving you back. No longer will you feel the chill of cold, harsh rejection. Instead you'll enjoy that Blue Moon draft with a girl whose beauty rivals Helen, as I take the form of Jiminy Cricket and do a little celebratory breakdance on your shoulder because that toxic, 6-word question never once crossed your mind. You DO deserve that girl.
To change a lifetime of bad habits when it comes to attracting hot women, you have to adjust your mindsets before anything else. By adopting a powerful outlook on the world, your presence will magnetize women without much work and effort. Rob's eBook, The 4 Elements of Game, has helped thousands of men worldwide accomplish exactly that. To learn more check out:
To your Success,
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