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7 Steps to Be a Social Rockstar that Women Desire 1:06 AM

An incredible social life is the
cornerstone of a successful dating life. It's a simple equation: More
people = more opportunities = More girls

But what can you do if you're
a guy who doesn't have a great social life? Well there's a couple of
solutions. In the fact, I've perfected a simple 7-step system for
dominating ANY social
encounter: .

Step #1
Call your friends The first step is to provide a simple baseline for
the rest of this plan. Right now, you probably have a core group of
friends who are part of your social circle. If you want to meet more
people then you're going to start with this group. So the initial
thing to do is call up your friends and make plans to do something
different. The key is to organize an event which brings you out of
your comfort zone and make you fun stuff. In other words, you want to
start going to places which provide a social environment. .

Step # 2
Look for hidden opportunities As you become more social
you're going the likelihood of getting invited to different events.
Due to inertia, most guys avoid "uncomfortable
environments." Instead of doing this, you should start going
to these events EVEN if you
don't think they'll be fun. The truth is you never know what'll happen
when you try different things. Perhaps the most boring event could
provide a chance to meet an interesting girl. So never pass up an
invitation to an event. The rule of thumb is if you don't have plans,
you'll ALWAYS accept an invitation to do something. .

Step # 3
Make friends While it's great to have old friends, your social
life can get a real shot in the
arm if you start making new friends at the events you're frequenting.
One piece of advice I
recommend is to talk to EVERYONE at these events. Even if it's a bunch
of guys, you can still get a lot of social mileage by talking to
people who
have connections. Even the most mundane person probably knows a few
attractive women. By making connections with
everyone, you're giving yourself opportunities to find new friends and
meet more girls.

Step #4- Keep contact with
your new friends I like to think of friends as currency. The more you
have, the more
you opportunities you'll accumulate. As you meet new people, you'll
start to build
momentum on the number of
buddies you'll acquire. In order to maximize your opportunities, you
should maintain constant
contact with the friends that you're making. Even if you're just
sending a quick email, a
consistent correspondence with your friends will improve your social
life. By communicating with your friends you'll stick out in their
minds when a cool event is about to happen. .

Step #5
Keep up to date Almost every area has lots of fun stuff
happening. The problem is most guys won't bother to look for
them. Instead they're satisfied with doing the same thing over and
over. Don't be like these guys. Instead become the man who is up to
date on all events happening in your area.
All you have to do is open you're local paper and you'll have access
to dozens, even hundreds of fun things going
on. Right now, commit yourself
to spending a few minutes each week looking for interesting events
going on in your area. .

Step #6
Plan events It's human nature to want to be around fun people. So if
you become the guy who plans out the fun times
then you'll become the focal
point of your social circle. What you want to do is plan out a few
different interesting activities EACH month and invite
everyone that you know. Eventually the people in your
social life will look to you to plan out the good times. Over time,
you can use these events to meet interesting women. .

Step #7
Be fun Finally, you have to go
beyond being the guy who plans out fun events. At all times, you must
display a fun and interesting personality. When you attend social
activities, you should be regarded as the guy who can make others have
good time. The truth is most people live boring lives. If you're the
source of interesting experiences then people will want to hang out
with you. The end result is you'll become the first person they call
when they want to have a fun night. Improving your social life is
one of the crucial elements for meeting and dating a lot of women. If
you follow the seven rules I just discussed, then you'll discover that
it's pretty easy to
transform into a fun guy who
has an incredible social life.

Been a social rockstar is so much fun an oppotunity opener. So give it
a chance and i dont mean you should start smoking, drinking or doing
drugs. So stay out of that. And keep it real

Keep it real


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