

Here we guide you to steps on how to date your dream girl. And you can also share your present situation with us. For more knowledge.

10 Ways To Increase A Woman's Desire For You 9:37 AM

Okay, so you've finally found a woman who really gets your juices flowing, and you've already done the nasty, but now you're worried about screwing the whole thing up.

Obviously she's attracted to you or you wouldn't be dipping into her honey pot in the first place, but how do you keep the attraction flowing? How can you keep her happy and satisfied and out of the arms of all the other guys out there who might have better relationship skills than you do? Are there any ways to ensure -- or better yet, increase -- her desire to be with you?

Fortunately, there are. Here's a list of some things to keep in mind as you're trying to make the relationship work.

1- Keep your attitude in shape Remember; you're the catch, not her. Your attitude should be that you're doing her a favor by letting her into your life, not to mention letting her have sex with you (this is always done without cockiness or arrogance). Women love confidence in men and broadcasting this kind of self-image will boost her attraction to you.

2- Always keep her guessing Make sure that you maintain contact with other women (especially good-looking women). This doesn't mean that you should cheat on her, but that you should cultivate lots of female friends and turn on the charm with other women.

When you do this, she knows that you have options and that she might lose you at any time. Most women are irrationally jealous creatures, so when you have a flock of lovelies orbiting you, it will fan the flames of her desire and she will work harder to make sure you don't get away.

3- Don't get sloppy Let's be honest; when you're first dating a woman, you're trying hard to impress. The typical guy will buy new clothes, shine his shoes, and keep the car slick and gleaming. But after a while -- after you start to feel comfortable -- all this goes out the window.

You trade your Pierre Cardin in for a stained T-shirt, you've got dried mud on your Reeboks, and the backseat of your car looks like an open dumpster. Don't do this. Women are obsessed with clothing and their appearance, and will instantly switch off their sex drive if you look like a slob.

Visit the gym once in a while, too, and don't forget to take a shower when you leave. A sweaty guy with a Jell-O gut and a double chin is not likely to inspire lust in his woman.

Keep your life, don't live in hers
4- Keep your own life
Women are so good at taking over men's lives that a lot of guys just give up on who they really are as soon as the girlfriend starts cracking the whip. Instead of playing ball and drinking beer, all of a sudden, it's antique shopping and sitting through chick flicks.

It's extremely important that you keep doing the masculine stuff that you like -- sports, motorcycles, hanging out with your buddies -- to keep balance in the relationship and to keep yourself from turning into a castrated wussy.

Remember; women always want everything both ways -- they want you to be intensely masculine, but at the same time they expect you to cater to them because they hold the sexual trump card.

But once you roll over and turn into a doormat, a woman will lose all attraction for you. So get your mind off getting laid and concentrate instead on asserting your masculinity. By going in your own positive direction, by doing things that are important to you, and by being a guy , she will see you as an independent, interesting and attractive man.

5- Don't put up with female crap Women will test you mercilessly to see how much of a wuss-boy you are, to see how much of their bad behavior you'll tolerate. This is nothing but pure manipulation, and every single one of them is guilty of it. Don't fall for it.

Put your foot down right away. If you let a woman get away with an inch, she'll take a hundred miles, and she'll lose respect for you as a man. Once she does that, her interest in you as a lover will plummet to zero.

You'll notice she doesn't act this way around her girlfriends (because she can't manipulate them with sex), so don't let her get away with doing it around you. Anytime you "Yes, dear," you're killing off attraction.

6- Turn on your seduction skills
Part of what got you two into the sack in the first place was your ability to charm -- to overcome female objections. This is what seduction is all about -- creating an atmosphere in which a woman will be willing to let down her guards on her "virtue."

The problem is, many guys are only into the conquest -- as soon as they storm the castle, they lose interest in continuing the battle. Or they just get bored.

But women love to be seduced -- it's part of their sexual power over a man and it makes them feel wanted. So if you'd like her to stick around for a while, make sure she knows that she still turns you on by -- literally -- charming the pants off her.

Be imaginative and stay mysterious...

7- Be an imaginative, romantic lover
This is a skill that will take you a long, long way with women. Women aren't like men, who get instantly turned on and ready for sex just by the sight of a good-looking woman walking down the street and whose idea of foreplay is, "Let's do it."

They just aren't going to be very happy if you impersonate a battering ram, then roll over and start snoring. Take some time to learn how to please a woman -- the payoff is huge.

8- Be a man of mystery
Your goal should be to keep her from taking you for granted, so it's very important to make yourself less available and more unpredictable. Women thrive on challenges, so make her work a little to be part of your life.

What you don't want to do is turn into a clingy, approval-seeking doormat who calls her 10 times a day, showers her with flowers and gifts, and gushes about how much you like her. Women always want what they can't have, so if you're more mysterious and less available, you will amplify the attraction factor enormously.

When she realizes that you're willing to walk away at any moment, you'll turn the sexual tables on her and make her start to work hard to please you.

9- Don't get complacent Taking a woman for granted is the easiest way to relationship suicide. Women are amazingly self-centered and love to be showered with lots of attention.

This means you should listen to what she has to say, take great pleasure in her company, and compliment her (especially on her looks). In other words, make her feel special and you'll keep the flames of desire burning hot.

10- Give her some space A lot of guys are way too territorial -- they're so worried about losing a woman to another guy that they practically smother her in the hopes of limiting her options and keeping her nailed in place.

But usually the opposite happens -- she starts to feel trapped and bolts. This is just caused by insecurity, and insecurity is not at all attractive to women.

be a man

It's all too easy to let a relationship flounder or run out of steam, and once that happens, all desire goes right out the window. But it's just as easy to fan the flames of desire and keep the attraction flowing.

So if you keep these points in mind, you'll wind up with a relationship that works for you and you'll keep that woman from ever wanting to go anywhere else.

Keep it real

What Women Want (Explained!) 9:33 AM

Hey, what's going on?
So today, I'm going to explore the old cliché question: "What do women want?"

Because everyone has a theory. But most theories are absolutely retarded because they're based on what's seen in pop culture (i.e. movies, magazines, music, etc.) or what they hear women say.

The sobering truth is the media's portrayal of women as well as what a woman says is simply a reflection of the female EGO, otherwise known as the she-EGO.

Let me repeat that word: the she-EGO. (Sidenote: I am coining that as a Rob Judge original word ;)

What a woman says she wants and what she actually wants are two completely different things.

It's probably unnecessary to mention but, surely, you have known a girl who met a guy who was perfect for her - yet she just didn't "feel anything."  

That same girl may fall head-over-heels for a loser douche bag not worth a second of her time. It's one of the most clichéd themes of the dating world: assholes finish first, nice guys finish last.

But Mr. Nice Guy isn't finishing last simply because he's "nice."

The nice guy finishes last because he's an idiot and doesn't understand the she-EGO. Regardless, by understanding and accepting the she-EGO for what it is, you can play to it rather than stubbornly do things that conflict with the she-EGO's agenda.

Additionally, by understanding the she-EGO you can cut through the bullshit to bring out her realness.

More than anything, the she-EGO craves status.

A woman will choose maintaining or increasing her status over everything else, including sex. Every guy who has ever talked to a girl has been in a cock-block situation. Classic example: dude is talking babe. Babe is clearly digging dude. Girl's friend notices babe and dude talking. Friend swoops in like the fucking SWAT-team to breakup any further mackage. Friend grabs babe and says to dude, "We're lesbians!" or "We're going to the bathroom!"

And, despite the babe digging the dude, she decides to maintain her status with her friends rather than continue chatting the mack.

To a man, this situation is just outrageous. Can you imagine if you were talking to a mega-babe and your buddy came over, grabbed you, and lisped, "We're gay! Stop talking to him!" You'd probably consider serving your friend a cold knuckle sandwich. 

At the very least, you wouldn't stop what you were doing. Guys simply value girls more than they value status.

When girls get together, the she-EGO is extra strong (and extra obnoxious). As a group of girls gets larger, it becomes increasingly hard to chat up a girl from that group.

The group needs to preserve their collective social standing. And they're ready to fight dirty to maintain it. Unless the group sees you as being so fucking awesome that it's a boost to their collective she-EGO for one of their own to be with you, they'll be putting the block down on your cock.

If a girl's to stay with you while simultaneously preserving status with her friends, you should add an experience to her life that's "brag-worthy." We guys love to brag and so do girls. 

But bragging for girls is more about "fitting into her reality." For a good looking guy, girls can say, "He's cute!" and use that to placate the collective she-EGO...

...but you don't necessarily need looks to fit into her reality. Maybe she thinks you're funny, smart, well-dressed, whatever. You know what your strengths are. Play to them. This way, she has something to silence the cock-blocks with.

Guys who can quickly size up a girl's reality and fit into it are guys who don't have problems with the she-EGO. Guys who don't understand or don't acknowledge the she-EGO (by not paying attention to what's six inches in front of their face) are guys who are "weird" or "creepy" - even "ugly" or "gross."

Keep it real 


What Is...S-E-X? 4:58 AM


What Is...S-E-X?

Hey, what's up,

Today, I want to reflect on a story from my childhood...'s embarrassing, somewhat hilarious, and pretty bizzare.

It's about the first time I learned about the magic three letters: S-E-X.

"Okay Rob," I'll bet you're wondering, "What does this have to do with dating hot chicks? How is this going to help me land the girl of my dreams?"

Actually, this story has EVERYTHING to do with that. I believe most guys over-complicate sex. They make it into a grand affair and that ends up screwing them over when they meet a girl they like.

I know that was a major problem I had!

So, read this story and hopefully you'll learn the same lesson I did. This letter just may simplify an aspect of dating you have over-complicated for years...

My earliest memory of sex is, fittingly, also my most embarrassing memory of sex. Just as fitting, it really had nothing to do with sex at all, but instead a bunch of dudes sitting around, talking ABOUT sex.

I must've been in 4th or 5th grade. Whatever age the State of New York deems appropriate the tantalizing course titled SEX EDUCATION.

All my excitement was crushed upon learning that the guide into the magical land of sex was the burly and bearded gym teacher, Mr. Sackman - more affectionately known as the "Sack Attack."

Despite my young age, had this been a course in hilarious synonyms for genitals, I would've been well on my way to graduate study. Like most of my peers, my parents left my learning of sex to the traditional, time-trusted teacher known as The Street.

Being a typical red-blooded, all-American boy, I soaked up the core curriculum via hushed jokes, pornography stashes, and "Married with Children" reruns. By the time I was sitting in Sack Attack's symposium on sex, I was pretty confident I could be teaching HIM a thing or two on the subject.

But that all changed when Sack Attack lived up to the no-pun-intended meaning of his name: Sack Attack sacked me.

It began when his meaty hand clamped the string on the map roller, revealing a diagram of a tragically drawn penis, hanging flaccidly.

"Look familiar, gentlemen?" Sack Attack asked. "It should! Cause we ALL got one."

He took an ominous step forward, "But that DON'T mean we all know how to use it. So let's spend the next hour discussing just that." He took a glance across the room, then added, "Buckle up, boys!"

Bodies squirmed nervously in their desks.

"Okay, so the first thing you gotta know," he explained...

But here's where details get hazy. I don't remember the first thing we had to know. Nor do I remember the second, nor the third. Perhaps I blocked it all out. Perhaps I honestly forgot.

All I can remember is feeling pathetically confused, as if Sack Attack were teaching calculus to a student who could hardly do three-digit multiplication.

I was thinking "wtf" - and this was back in the early '90s, before "wtf" even existed. All I can recall are certain words, phrases: "the act," "engage in intercourse," "it's a choice you and her make."


I thought sex education was about wangs, juggs, hooters, wieners, vah-jay-jays, tits and ass, perhaps a fart thrown in for good measure, and, of course, an expose on all things sack-related (up to and including "dees nuts").

Sack Attack's vague syllabus hypnotized me into a zombie-like trance where I found myself raising my hand and asking, "Wait, hold on. What exactly IS sex?"

A room full of laughter followed my question like a dark, condescending shadow. While I had honest intentions, I immediately realized my pending public humiliation. So I adjusted my approach accordingly, assuming the role of heckler.

"Can you please explain this thing called SEX, Mr. Sackman?" I clarified, "We want to hear it from an expert."

Sack Attack's face scrunched up behind his lumberjack beard with the disgust one would expect after having his sexual history satirized by some little wiseass who hadn't yet sprouted his first pube.

"Why don't you go ask your father," mumbled Sack Attack, his voice laced with dark anger.

The class laughed at Sack Attack, as I sat back feeling like I'd just won a major triumph. I was still ignorant about what sex actually was, but at least I'd landed a good joke, at Sack Attack's expense.

Yet, to this day, I regard that moment as pivotal in my sexual maturation. Happily, I traded an education in the inner workings of sex for momentary starship as a comic hero of sorts. Rather than an answer sparking my quest for truth, a non-answer became my dark inspiration for a skin-surface understanding of this thing called SEX.

As the days passed and my comic celebrity faded, I found myself haunted by Sack Attack's retort. Why DON'T I ask my father? God, I'm living proof that guy knows SOMETHING about sex.

I even remember asking my dad, rather bluntly, "Dad, what's sex?"

Cryptically, all he said was, "As if you don't know. Really, Robby. Stop acting immature."

Fine. If my father couldn't give me the answers, I'd consult Webster. With furtive determination, I trekked to the local library, stepped up to the cartoonishly oversized dictionary - perched on a pedestal like a Book of God - and searched. The tissue-soft pages breezed under my fingertips as I flipped to this 3-lettered, taboo mystery: S-E-X.

And there it was, SEX, shimmering in golden rays of knowledge. I skipped the pronunciation key, the needless parts-of-speech abbreviations, and the obvious gendered connotations. My eyes scrolled the page until I found it.
Simple, to-the-point verbiage. "The act of a man inserting his penis into a woman's vagina."

I had an...Epiphany!

But this wasn't an "OMG" epiphany. This was more of a "srsly?!" epiphany - and this was still back in early '90s before "OMG," "srsly?!" even existed.

But let's get back to my eureka, your explanation, and our story.

So. I stood aloft on that bookstand, my head whirling with sexual clarity. 'That's IT?' I remember thinking. Penis in...the vagina...? Really? That's what all the hype's about...?

Well, it'd be about a decade later before the word became flesh. And, man, was epiphany.
The grand tale of my virginity loss is best suited as a joke or a high-fivable exploit fit for a locker room. Because to me, that's all it'll ever be: something I'd yell to the guy at the next urinal.

It's a story in a one-sentence punch line. "My friend Donny and me double-teamed this chick in the backseat of my family minivan when we were seventeen."

Of course, if you have me narrate the saga over a pitcher of Coors Light, I'll add descriptive grace notes such as "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" was blasting on the CD player and the minivan was a monstrous purple eyesore we'd dubbed the Mommy Mobile.

The whole ordeal remains an absurdity made still more absurd considering, of all my friends, I had placed the most romantic expectations on, what I then called, "love making."

I envisioned beds of roses, expected dialogue straight out of a John Cusack movie. Instead, irony won an epic vic
tory that summer afternoon, and, in a lot of ways, that incident (again) marked a pivotal moment because of all it never was.

It wasn't magical. It wasn't romantic. It wasn't special. It wasn't long. But it wasn't comically short either. It wasn't mind-blowingly pleasurable, nor was it laughably horrid.

It just WAS. Nondescript and vaguely funny: not unlike learning about sex from the OED in the library.

So, really, what IS sex other than the insipid user-manual instructions that call for inserting Tab A into Slot B?

Answers vary depending on whom you ask. Ask a sex-starved guy, he'll tell you sex is about "getting lucky."

Ask a girlfriend-clamped dude, he'll say it's "when she's in the mood."

Ask a frat bro, he'll exclaim it's "SCORING!"

Ask Sack Attack, he'll encourage some father-son bonding.

Ask my dad, he'll tell you that you're immature.

Ask the chick Donny and I double-teamed in the Mommy Mobile, she'll tell you it's a combination of being sixteen, drinking 3 Mike's Hard Lemonades, and Iron Butterfly tunes.

But, ultimately, here's the epiphany. And this epiphany will NOT rock your socks...

This epiphany will NOT be learned in sex ed or from porno stashes or "Married With Children" reruns or the backseat of my mom's m

This is an epiphany precisely for all it is not...

Ready? (Buckle up boys.)

*Sex is whatever you make of it.*

Sex can either be very complicated, or very simple.

Very casual, or very committed.

Very fast, or very slow. 

Varietals are infinite. But the prime mover is finite and singular. Your belief about sex - your definition OF sex - ultimately manifests as your reality of sex.

Calling it a self-fulfilling prophesy is to over-complicate it. It's nothing more than a man inserting his penis into a woman's vagina. Tab A into Slot B.

Why did it ever become anything more?

Why is it anything more than, "Penis in vagina."

Tab A, Slot B.

And that's it: a conclusion completely anticlimactic and utterly devoid of sparklingly seductive insight. The perfect epiphany.

Until next time,

5 Tricks for a Sexually-Charged First Date 3:44 PM
Asking out a woman is usually the first and most important step
towards getting her. The problem is what do you do to maintain that
attraction? In other words, how to do create heaps of sexual chemistry
on that first date? Well first off, it's important to understand WHAT
really makes a woman attracted to a guy. Now the truth is many guys
stress out over the first date, and for good reason. Worries over what
to say or do flood the mind, making the event seem more like a chore
than a pleasurable experience. The good news is there are a number of
small techniques you can use to create LOTS of sexual tension on your
first date. So pay close attention to the following...
Tip #1

Don't Set Yourself Up for Disappointment In other words, relax. By
conjuring up visions of
what would make the date perfect, just go with the flow. If you're
nervous, it's going to show, so take a few deep breaths and chill out.
Don't attach any expectations to the date, and you won't be
Understand that there is a possibility that the evening won't go as
planned, and if that happens, it's no big deal. There are other girls
and other dates to be had. Plan nothing in advance other than to have
a great time. .

Tip #2 Limit your time

A lot of guys pull out all the stops for the first date, which is the
WORST thing you can do. A first date is a lot like a job interview, in
that you're trying to determine if there's relationship potential.
With that said, save the five-star dinners for after you've qualified
her, Instead take her out for coffee/ drinks or something physical,
like a hike. Or even a quick trip to the mall.
Tip #3 - Be in control and plan out the date

There's nothing more appealing to a woman than a man who's in control
and knows what he wants. Know ahead of time where you'd like to take
your date, and have a backup destination in case of unforeseen
circumstances. Not only will you be more attractive in her eyes, but
you'll also have the ability to limit your time as previously

Tip #4 - Have fun and flirt

The most important element to a fun first date is the chemistry. You
want to build rapport with the woman, and the only way to do that is
to have fun. Give her "the eye," lightly touch her arm, and tease her
By flirting and maintaining a playful attitude, you'll enhance the
sexual attraction needed to ensure future dates. People respond
directly to the energy they'r subjected to. Your aim with the first
date is to make the woman relaxed in your presence, and she won't be
able to do that if you're nervous and on edge. Instead, realize that
you're out with a beautiful woman, and enjoy your time with her.
You'll create an evening she'll never forget.

. Tip #5 - Know when to break the rules
The preceding rules should be used as guidelines, but they aren't
unbreakable. For example, if the two of you really hit it off,don't
bother limiting your time, and take her home instead. Use your own
judgment, and if you feel a rule isn't working, make an necessary
tweaks to ensure a fantastic first date. The most important element to
a successful first date is your attitude. If you relax and have fun,
your date will too. Your aim is to build a solid rapport that will
lead to many more dates to come. Use these five tips, and every first
date will be an amazing one. Finally, the key to a successful date is
knowing how to flirt.

This tricks realy works try them out and keep it real


What some guys wonder is "Why is it better to meet women during the daytime" 3:01 AM

off pix name

I feel daygame provides the BEST chance to really meet a woman is OUTSIDE a loud, noisy venue. In fact this can be your SECRET WEAPON for meeting women. One that your friends will wonder how you're "getting" all these girls.

Now I want to be honest here. "Day Game" requires a different style than what's commonly used in the bar scene. It's a great way to meet women. But if you're using the same tactics you'd use in a noisy club, you'll come across as a crazy person. To help you get started with daytime meetups, I recommend following these SIX rules:

==> Rule #1- Look your best
To make day game work, you MUST look your ALL times. Remember, you never know when you'll come across a women you want to approach. If look like a slob, then you'll give off a slobbish appearance. You should always look sharp if you want to meet women during the daytime. This means adhering to basic guidelines for a top-notched appearance (I.e.: Shave, shower, apply cologne wear nice clothes, etc.)

==> Rule #2- Talk to everyone
We're all guilty of going "autopilot" as we run errands and do stuff during the day. For many it's not the "time" when we meet women. They're doing chores and don't want to think about approaching a random girl. So it seems weird to walk up to a woman during the daytime and start a conversation. Unfortunately this attitude will get you NOW HERE. To improve your day game, you must get into the habit of initiating conversations with those around you. (Even if they're not women) The more you practice talking to people, the more natural it'll seem to approach a girl.

Rule #3- Have an extraction plan
Too many guys have the "One Night Stand" mentality. They only concern themselves with how to 'get laid' within the first few hours of meeting a woman. To have success with Day Game, you should give up the idea that you can "speed seduce" a girl the same day you meet her. Sure it can happen. But it's pretty rare. With that being said, you can easily meet a girl and move the conversation to place where you can get to know one another. What I suggest is simple... When you're out during the day, find a place where you can have a quick "mini-date." This could be a coffee house, shopping at a mall, or even a trip to a park. My point is this: You want a place where you can immediately go and continue the conversation. By pre-planning a location, you'll make it seem like a normal part of your daytime activities..

==> Rule #4- Demonstrate high status
Even when you're outside the "singles scene", it's still important to demonstrate a high status personality. To be attractive to a woman, she has to see that you're a confident guy who can naturally attract women. She should feel like you're a guy who has a busy life, filled with interesting things. So if you're not comfortable with your confidence, then I recommend you learn why women are attracted to guys who can show this side of their personality.

==> Rule #5- Be an interesting guy
Again, this is another rule which applies in ANY environment. To build attraction, you must show that you're a genuinely fun guy. This means IMMEDIATELY showcasing a personality which she'll like. For instance, you should: - Tell fun stories about your life - Use humor in a funny but teasing manner - Make interesting comments about her - Ask her provocative questions. The more interesting you appear, the more she'll be into YOU!

==> Rule #6- Establish Physical Contact
The final rule is absolutely important for making a "connection" with a woman... If you want to be interesting to woman, you must CREATE sexual chemistry. And one of the quickest ways to do this is to establish physical contact. Within 5 minutes of initiating a conversation, you should be touching her a fun, familiar manner. This can include giving high-fives, handshakes, or using humorous body language routines. The key here is to do it in a FUN way. So don't act like a creepy pervert that likes to grope women. Just remember that it's often easier to meet women during the day. If you keep your eyes open and know how to take advantage of hidden opportunities, then you'll discover that it's easy to pick up women during day time.

Keep it real